Calling All Kolter Parents and Caregivers:


Donating an item/experience?

Do you or someone you know own a business? Have a go-to spot like a restaurant, salon, or store?

Please ask them to support Kolter by donating an item or experience! Every contribution makes a difference and strengthens our community. Here are some great donation ideas: gift cards, theme baskets, sports memorabilia, spa certificates, game tickets, restaurant experiences, etc.




We’re looking for hosts and co-hosts to organize fun social events for both kids and adults. Our goal is to offer 3–4 unique social events per grade, which will be auctioned off during the Gala.


What’s a Social Event?

Social events are a fantastic way for students to connect outside the classroom and for parents and caregivers to bond with each other within the Kolter community. Whether it’s a playful outing for kids or a relaxed evening for parents, these gatherings bring our community together.



SIGN UP for socials HERE



SIGN UP for socials HERE




SIGN UP for socials HERE