• Business logo (not linked) on Spirit Night page of the website for 1 week before specified
Spirit Night
• Promo material distributed once in Tuesday Folders along with Spirit Night flier and at Spirit
Night - Promo materials must be provided by donor 2 weeks before specified date of Spirit Night


• Business logo (not linked) on the Homepage of the website for 1 month
• Promo materials distributed once in any Tuesday Folders



  • Business banner on Rice gates September through August.



• Business banner on Rice gates September through August
• Business logo (not linked) on the Homepage only of the website for the entire school year
• Business logo (not linked) included in the weekly PTO newsletter within the “Thank you to
our Sponsors” block for the entire school year
• Promo materials distributed 2 times in Tuesday Folders


• Business banner on Rice gates September through August
• Business logo (linked) on the Homepage only of the website for the entire school year
• Business logo (linked) included in the weekly PTO newsletter within the “Thank you to our
      Sponsors” block for the entire school year
• Promo materials distributed 4 times in Tuesday Folders

• Promotional content distributed in PTO newsletter 2 times in Sponsor section

• Social media post to “Thank our Sponsor” with link 2 times during the year.
• Promo materials distributed at a Kolter Title Event*
• Business logo on Kolter Title Event* promotional materials
• 2 tickets to the Kolter Gala (option to donate to Teachers)

• IHK Incentives at $500+ Level

* Kolter Title Events: Camp Out, International Book Fair Festival, Family Dance



• 2 Business banners. One on Rice gates and one on Dumfries gate.  September through August
• Business logo (linked) on ALL pages of the website for the entire school year

• Business logo (linked) included in the weekly PTO newsletter within the “Thank you to our
       Sponsors” block for the entire school year
• Promo materials distributed in Tuesday Folders 4 times

• Social media post to “Thank our Sponsor” with link 4 times
• Promo materials distributed at a Kolter Headline Event*

          -Exclusivity within the industry of the Donor for HEADLINE EVENT
• Business logo on Kolter Headline Event* promotional materials
• Promotional content distributed in PTO newsletter 4 times per year
• 4 tickets to the Kolter Gala (option to donate to Teachers)
• Recognition at 4 PTO Membership meetings
• IHK Incentives at $250+ level

* Kolter Headline Events: I Heart Kolter, Book Fair, Gala & Auction, Field Day, Boosterthon

CUSTOMIZABLE PACKAGES available above $5,000 and at the discretion of the PTO,
industry exclusivity starts at $10,000.

 Contact: Development@KolterPTO.com